A Call for Justice & Grace:
Being a Church for All

“Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water." John 7:38

The National Board of Directors of More Light Presbyterians stands with our sisters and brothers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and with their families, friends and allies calling for the welcome and affirmation of all baptized Christians as equal church members of our Presbyterian Church (USA).

We open our hands in witness and justice work to this call, joining with That All May Freely Serve, Covenant Network, Presbyterian Welcome, Presbyterian Promise, Presbyterian Voices for Justice and all others who are convinced that the promises of God in Jesus Christ are for all people, with no exceptions. Jesus said, “When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to myself. “ (John 12:32)

Anticipating the work of the 219th General Assembly, we stand firm in prayer, calling the Presbyterian Church (USA) to remove the obstacles in the Book of Order to the ordination of deacons, elders, and Ministers of the Word and Sacrament without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity; to make the changes necessary in our Directory of Worship to affirm marriage as a blessing for all committed couples; and to correct the language falsely inserted in the Heidelberg Catechism translation in our Book of Confessions.

We make this call trusting in the unmerited grace and mercy of God who welcomes all of us, ever drawing us closer to God through the redemption and presence of Jesus in all our lives. We believe God is doing a new thing now in reforming us and our church to follow Scripture by embracing our neighbor and reflecting the Love of God.

The National Board of Directors of More Light Presbyterians pledges by God’s grace, to open our hearts so that the living water of the Holy Spirit may enter into all that we do, now and at the 219th General Assembly in Minneapolis, MN, July 3 - 10. We commit to this spirit of love and grace in worship, in testimony and dialogue, at meals and in conversation. As we have known God’s extravagant love in our own lives, we will joyfully share it with all of those we meet.

A Call for Justice & Grace: Being a Church for All
February 24, 2010
The National Board of Directors of More Light Presbyterians